Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crazy Women Dress Why Do Christian Women In America Dress Just Like Non-believers?

Why do Christian women in America dress just like non-believers? - crazy women dress

Or paint even worse, the plaster on his face like Tammy Faye, or mad at TBN.

Have you taken the trouble to read the New Testament?

I do not even know allowed to wear a bathing suit, let alone a belt.


Suzanne: YPA said...

If what we pass the time - bus stations?

No Christian woman I know (myself included) is considered an infidel or smudged makeup on her face. We can use modest swimwear, belts are for your business.

Daisy said...

I think it is because many "Christians" are insecure in their faith.

For Christians who know they are passionate about following God, that "in this world but not of the world."

Sad to say, but the Christians dress like everyone simply blend into the crowd and are not easy on a hill should be.

As for the swimsuit thong and go ... The strings are under clothing, it is questionable ... Swimwear, if properly chosen and ... Here is a word ... MODEST .. then they will be in order.

holdonto... said...

It is true that women should not dress in a certain way because
could contribute to that would be a man of sin, I say that the strike and a sexual barrier, two different things, so believe me, women are concerned about the limits of pure American women who simply enjoy a beach in southern France, and tell me if these women are not Christians.

amanda w said...

Why are only women here on the test! Did you see young people dressed as today!

World Fashion absorbs everything, but it is a kind of Nazi like you want me to what I and what I can not say.

I have seen in me, O God, and my future husband. Women should wear conservative, but not to vote. And please remember that the Bible is old! What was true then it is not appropriate now. And while the women are, self-esteem and their husbands .. Shut up about it!

Just curious are you a man?

amanda w said...

Why are only women here on the test! Did you see young people dressed as today!

World Fashion absorbs everything, but it is a kind of Nazi like you want me to what I and what I can not say.

I have seen in me, O God, and my future husband. Women should wear conservative, but not to vote. And please remember that the Bible is old! What was true then it is not appropriate now. And while the women are, self-esteem and their husbands .. Shut up about it!

Just curious are you a man?

AthenaGe... said...

And you know what kind of nursing clothes I wear.

Espionage attract other underwear is either not very Christian. So stay out!

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