Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dementia In Children Any Good Support Groups For Adult Children Of Dementia Sufferers?

Any good support groups for adult children of dementia sufferers? - dementia in children

My father died a year ago and now my mother is diagnosed with dementia. I feel overwhelmed by guilt, depression and confusion. I feel no one understands me and ask yourself how you survive without going mad. I looked online, but I can not help or advice. I am in Northern California.


Jamie said...

If you opt for more face-to-face group which supports calling local hospitals in your area and explain the situation and be able to find a support group to

Jamie said...

If you opt for more face-to-face group which supports calling local hospitals in your area and explain the situation and be able to find a support group to

lolit said...

It takes time for his mother for the time you have the support of an understanding of their situation by offering positive when it comes to the needs of such mental or physical support and have a normal pychogical by an expert cosultation What other support its normal shape to win again.

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